Client Submitted Evidence
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My wife Staci and I did the Waverly Hills tour on 3/05/11 ( it was the one where the two people got attacked) and I had told you that she had captured a picture of a shadow person in the apartment behind her grandmother's house. You had requested to see it and wanted me to send it through your website. Unfortunately, my computer will not let me send it that way as some email program opens up that I did not know existed. So, I am attaching the picture here as well as a couple of pictures that were taken at separate times.
Some quick background information on the house in Punta Gorda, FL. The location of the shadow person would be in front of the closet where my wife's bed use to be located. One night I was spending the night (we had just started dating at this point) I had awoke to a yellowish floating head right next to the bed. I gasped closed my eyes for a second and reopened them because truthfully it scared the hell out of me at the moment. My gasp woke my now wife and she asked what was the matter and I said "you're not going to believe this but, I just saw a floating head". Her response was "yeah stuff like that happens". Staci had moved out a couple months later and nothing else major had happened during that time except some banging sounds that I couldn't debunk as her cat or dog. Fast forward two years. My wife's grandmother was having her house foreclosed on and stayed just long enough after the wedding so my wife could help pack. During that time she had spent a couple of nights on the couch in the living room . The patio which in enclosed and basically an extra room is adjacent. They had everything staged there ready to go for the moving truck. Throughout the night my wife saw shadows out of the corner of her eye. She would here things being thrown and quite a few growls. Sometime after her grandmother moved out my wife went back in to take pictures of these mirrors that were hanging in the apartment behind the house to see if I wanted them for our place here in Orlando. This is when she captured the shadow person in the picture. She was with one of our friends who lives in the same neighborhood and they were unable to debunk it. The friend was behind her when she took the picture and there was no one outside and they would also have to be abnormally tall for that shadow to be cast. I would appreciate your thoughts on this. Thank you.
Mike Perry
PS. We got great pictures at Waverly thanks for making it a great night.

I think this is a real shadow apparition.
What do you think?